Going to finally get this website up to date. In the meantime, if you need tees, contact Bill Stubberfield, Canadian Distributor for the ‘Original’ Martini Golf Tees at 519-733-2010 or at bill@stubberfield.ca
006.27.19 Summer 2019
007.10.12 Buyer’s Beware
007.02.12 News you Can Use
It has been a very busy summer here at Martini Golf Tees Canada. We have recently updated our locations where the product is available,
One of our latest customers purchased a 5 pack for his friend who was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. The large headed tee made it easy to tee up the ball. We trust our product will enable them to continue the golf game that these folks, with Parkinson's or Essential Tremor, love so dearly.
One last thing today!
From Dave Baker, owner of Martini Tees, Waterford, Michigan......"I am getting almost daily emails from people asking for a par 3 Martini Tee. But the new tooling would cost us some money. Here's a photo of a prototype along side a regular tee. What do you think? Do we need a tini Martini?"